

游乐儿 つイキアツ 著


看着窗外雨点四处散落,回想起在家乡从前的日子还是会眼泪流... 曾经那份家的温暖,那份为家人而努力的冲动都消失不见。剩下的却是所有的不信赖和不和谐...

今天,乐儿接听了妈妈从家乡的电话... 在电话里,乐儿能感觉到妈妈对乐儿的那股思念还有那份关怀。在此时此刻的乐儿不仅的留下泪,心中觉得对于妈妈的那份爱感到十分抱歉。真的很想对妈说,“妈,对不起... 乐儿让你操心了。”可是乐儿却没有说出来...

妈,这个家... 乐儿不想回去。每当乐儿回去总会是伤痕磊磊,因为.... 爸爸的不了解,爷爷的不体谅,以及那贱人的刻意破坏我们和爷爷的感情.... 让乐儿十分难受。妈,我很想你! 真的很想你!但是乐儿真的有回不去的理由。对不起妈...

小时候,乐儿最亲近的人是奶奶和妈妈。奶奶的离别对于乐儿是一大打击,因为... 身边疼爱乐儿的人,慢慢地... 慢慢地... 离我而去... 奶奶的离去虽说是很久的事情,可是直道今天的自己还是不能够接受这个现实的残酷。

妈,能答应乐儿... 不要离开我乐儿。因为乐儿已经没有了可以依靠的家庭支柱了。

3 条评论:

  1. sad to hear tat...
    anyway wish u all da best n gud luck, stay happy ya! ^^

  2. I same as u. I love my mon & my granny. And they both are d most closest person to me since i small. My dad don understand how i feel. I also feel sad. And also feel angry somehow. I just don wan to face them. Coz i afraid, i might remember those past behind me. Those memories. As if i go back. Bt now i realise, i should not have any regret. And also not to make my mom to have any regret. But, Day by day, she will also getting older and older. One day, she might left me too. Aithought i don hope to. I will cry too. I will be more sad. So as u're my fren, i feel u should go back. If u don wan to go back yr home, u can try to meet her outside. Like having lunch or dinner together. Take a warm photo with her. Try to k. It's very upset to lose somebody so much important to u. U also don hope to lose someone close to u again right? Same as me. I just hope u won't have any regret in yr whole life. So, i advice u to go back and spent a day with yr mom. Try to take short leave. k. Take a rest. Yr health is very important than workin. U must stand up on your feet. Then u can take care of yr mom. Don let yr mom to have any regret too. :'(

  3. Zac, Jia You k. :) *hugs*
